21 July 2010

A Slut's Reading Corner

Part of my stripper training has been devouring everything I can find to read on the subject, mainly first-hand accounts. They have been uniformly interesting and largely well-written. The women who write about their stripping experiences are universally fascinating, self-aware, introspective people, and reading their books is a joy. Here are some recommendations if you want to get an idea of what this business is like.

Bare: On Women, Dancing, Sex, and Power by Elisabeth Eaves. I'm still in the middle of this one, but I already know that it belongs on the list. The author has a wonderful grasp of the absurd play of social mores regarding female sexuality, starting from when she was about eleven and continuing through her time stripping. She also starts her career in Seattle, which is of some practical help to me personally.

Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper by Diablo Cody. This lady has an incredibly distictive writing style, a mix of indie-rocker arrogance and poignant sarcasm. She's nerdy, intellectualist, and bitingly humorous. Her story runs through strip clubs, a peep show, and a long-term supportive relationship. It's well worth reading.

The S Factor: Strip Workouts for Every Woman by Sheila Kelley (Dad, if you're reading this, you'll be interested to know that this author is an actress married to the man who played Toby on The West Wing.) This workout book has, to start with, some of the best stretches I've ever seen. They and the workouts themselves focus on moving your body in different ways, which leaves me feeling rejuvenated, light on my feet, and invincible. There's even a section on giving a good lap dance. :)

How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale by Jenna Jameson. Jenna started as a stripper, then moved to nude modeling and then porn. The book is huge, and I've only read the first third -- the stripper years. It's fascinating. There are tips on how to maximize your earnings and a two-page spread in comic form of common stripper ailments and long-term physical problems.

The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt. This isn't directly about stripping, but it is about sexuality and it's been indispensible to me for untangling my sexual desires and social bullshit and all the weird, absurd hypocrisy and mores involved therein. It is, essentially, a handbook for owning yourself so that you don't need to own anyone else and can go play with as many lovers as you'd like.

1 comment:

  1. A note of caution from a guy who's been practicing polyamory for over a year and a half now: The Ethical Slut has very real merits, but it's also a deeply flawed book.

    The biggest flaw (IMHO) is that the authors are sex-positive to the point of dishonesty. Your time is a finite resource; managing it is a challenge, and you can find yourself unable to give everybody you love the attention both they and you believe they deserve. Jealousy can be a problem that either you or a lover are unable to overcome. And they inexcusably gloss-over the issue of reproductive health; anybody who is both promiscuous and careless about their reproductive health frankly deserves to have some sex-negative epithets tossed their way.

    As an introduction to and partial exploration of the key concepts underlying healthy consensual non-monogamy, it's peerless. But as an exploration of the challenges waiting for you, it's sadly lacking.
